inside our

inside our


A quality wine comes from the symbiosis between the elements that compose it, each of which has an equally important role. From its origins until today the work of Barone Pizzini has followed a path marked by sustainability, to produce wines that represent the territory in which they are born.

These attentions are not directed only to the vineyard, but to all the steps in the winemaking process and to the impact on the environment. Our approach to organic farming is global, and concerns all factors: from agricultural methods to the bio-architecture of the cellar, designed to fit harmoniously into the context of Franciacorta.



Our vineyards are full of life, with strong roots that express a true bond with the territory.

The 30 vineyards, located in different areas of Franciacorta, extend over an area of ​​about 60 hectares. The altitude is 200/350 over sea level and the average age of the implants is around fifteen.

Each vineyard has its own characteristics due to its exposure, altitude and soil composition which make it different from all the others.

The soil is of complex origin, partly morainic but enriched with fluvioglacial deposits.

The fact that we employ organic farming creates even greater potential in the substrate. Organic practices improve the vitality of the strata that the roots explore as they extend themselves over time. As they dig deeper, they find balanced, active fertility.

The heart of the


The building represents the desire to reduce the environmental impact and maximize energy savings.

The architectural choices are functional to guarantee an ideal space to produce wines in respect of the territory. For this reason the structure, buried for two thirds and covering an area of ​​approximately 5,600 square meters, adopts bioclimatic strategies and solutions.

Photovoltaic panels, natural cooling system, use of stone, wood and water purification are just some of the expedients used.

A winery is a little bit like a tree. We only see a part of it. The rest is in its roots underground. That’s where we find its reasons for being a building. And it’s this hidden posture that gives the architecture its energy, its cool temperature, and its vivacity. It captures them from the earth and gives them to the wine.


organic and unique

Organic winemaking is the natural culmination of a quest to achieve the greatest expression of land. Respect for nature is the best tool for obtaining grapes rich with life and expressive potential. The balance between humankind and nature is at the heart of wines that have a deep connection to the land where they are made. Such wines are unique and cannot be reproduced elsewhere.

Organic Viticulture is certified in Italy by bodies accredited by the Ministry of Agriculture. Our wines are recognised by Valoritalia with the “Organic Agriculture” mark.

For methods applied in the cellar, in March 2012 came into force on EU regulation no. 203/2012 which officially introduced the category of Organic Wine.

We would like to freely share with you the results of analysis carried out on our wines, which attest to the absence of pesticides, fungicides and insecticides.

the other



Pievalta, Poderi di Ghiaccioforte and Montenetto: three challenges undertaken by Barone Pizzini, three different territories united by a single mission.

From North to Central Italy, from the lowland forest of Montenetto to the windy hills of Maremma, passing through the steep slopes of the Esina Valley – we think of wine as a tribute to the environment, as a representation of a soil that we respect, protect and value in the end product.

In the heart of the Esina Valley, on two opposite banks divided by the river, the Pievalta estate extends for 43 hectares.

A terroir diversified by the microclimates, which give life to wines with different characteristics.

At Maiolati Spontini, on the left bank, is where most of the hectares are concentrated, with wines of great minerality and fruity freshness.

The other vineyard, on the right bank, is located in San Paolo di Jesi, one of the most suitable areas of the Castelli di Jesi for wine production. The wines of this vineyard are more austere, savory and of great energy.

In 2018, new vineyards were acquired in Montecarotto and Cupramontana.

The vineyards, managed organically and biodynamically, highly respect the terroir of these areas.

The estate is located in Scansano, in the heart of Maremma, near the Etruscan site of Ghiaccio Forte.

Three plots close together but with different characteristics where the main grape variety is Sangiovese, flanked by Carignano Nero.

Pian del Dado, Colonna Aquilaia and Buchero, three vineyards with different characteristics, but all enjoying a good temperature range, thanks to the proximity to the sea and the Mount Amiata.

These unique characteristics, combined with organic and biodynamic farming practices, enhance the personality of our wines, true expressions of an extraordinary territory.

A land historically devoted to agriculture that of the Regional Park of Monte Netto, a limestone clayey plateau rising from the Po Valley and hosting one of the smallest Italian DOCs with its 68 hectares of Capriano del Colle.

Here the last protagonist of the Viti & Cultura Bio route, the Montenetto winery, takes shape.

9 hectares of organic vineyard divided among 5 vines: Marzemino, Sangiovese and Merlot for red wines and Trebbiano and Chardonnay for white wines.